Town Email Addresses
Mayor, Phillip Hearne Mayor@TownofCandorNC.com
Town Clerk, Tammy Kellis
Deputy Clerk, Tricia Webb
Public Works Director, Chase Thompson
Candor Police Chief, Matt Baldwin
Candor Fire Chief, Jared Smith
N.C. Peach Festival Inquiries:
Town of Candor
214 S. Main Street
PO Box 220
Candor, NC 27229
Town Hall Hours: Mon - Fri, 9:00am - 5:00pm
T (910) 974-4221
F (910) 974-4299
For more information about the N.C. Peach Festival visit:
Or contact:

"Of Pines & Peaches"

Candor's Top Four Report
Candor Awarded Multiple Grants
It's been an exciting year for the Town of Candor! There are so many things you don't get to see behind the scenes at the town hall. One being, the many, many hours of hard work that have gone into securing funding for projects that will assist us in accomplishing economic development goals for our small, rural community. The town has been awarded multiple grants, totaling $3.6 million that will be used to make improvements & upgrades to Fitzgerald Park & the Downtown Area. Our water & sewer infrastructure is also slated for updating - more on all of this to come!
2025 N.C. Peach Festival
The 2025 N.C. Peach Festival will take place in Fitzgerald Park, 145 S. Depot St., Candor, NC 27229 ON JULY 17th-19th! The Catalinas are our Saturday headliner, and local favorite, The Sand Band, will be opening for them! Stay tuned for more info, as planning is underway for this year's festival!

Fentanyl Facts
Unfortunately, there are many dangers facing our children today. One of these perils is the increased manufacturing of synthetic drugs, such as Fentanyl. Just a scant amount of this deadly substance could have a devastating effect on anyone. DRS (Drug Rehab Services) and the Town of Candor have partnered to share important information to help parents combat this very real threat. Please click on the following link that will take you to the DRS website which provides valuable information about protecting your children (English & Spanish versions available).

Your Water Bill
In an effort to streamline paper usage we will be offering the service of emailing your water bill, beginning in December.
If you would like to stop receiving a paper statement of your water bill and instead receive it via email, please contact our office at (910)974-4221 or email the Deputy Clerk at deputyclerk@townofcandornc.com to get on our email list.